Simple Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rate If you are using email as part of your marketing mix, your open rate is important to your success. If you are not getting the results you hoped for, there are several areas to evaluate: Unqualified subscribers: A bad list...
5 Tips For a Better Outbound Email Campaign These days, everyone’s phones are always in their pockets buzzing with email alerts, so email marketing can reach even more people than any other type of internet marketing. Because of this increased reach,...
Building the perfect post-subscribe email autoresponder is a step many businesses often overlook when it comes to lead conversion. Email autoresponses are almost an afterthought for many brands, mainly because they forget the power it could potentially wield to turn a...
The rapid rise of social media has some marketers questioning what types of marketing appeals to Millennials. Some would even argue that email marketing is a marketing tool that Millennials don’t embrace, choosing to consume marketing material in more visually...